Learning Support

Our highly trained Learning Support Team provide small group or individual attention for students. The team consists of a qualified teacher and school support officers who have had specialised training to support students who may have additional needs. The team meets fortnightly to analyse the learning progress of each student participating in the program.
Where additional support is required, we may seek your permission to access our Department for Education Guidance Officer or Speech Pathologist.
EALD (English as an Additional Language or Dialect) Support
For a number of our students English is their second language. These students access additional support to achieve skills in English. Support is provided in small groups in classrooms or through our comprehensive intervention program.
Early Learning
Hampstead Primary School is responsible for students from Reception to Year 6. We are fortunate to have the Hampstead Preschool co-located on our campus. Children moving from preschool to HPS enjoy a comprehensive and extended transition program. Each week during the term prior to starting school a different school experience is offered. Families have opportunities to meet their child’s first school teacher well before the child starts school. Preschool children and their families are included in special events such as Sports Day, Assemblies and Open Mornings.